En iyisini
hak edenlere,

en kaliteli

Modern dünyanın, teknolojik yeniliklerinin
ve gerekliliklerinin takipçisiyiz.

Electrical System

The lighting system of a motor vehicle consists of lighting and signalling devices mounted or integrated to the front, rear, sides, and in some cases the top of a motor vehicle. This lights the roadway for the driver and increases the visibility of the vehicle, allowing other drivers and pedestrians to see a vehicle's presence, position, size, direction of travel, and the driver's intentions regarding direction and speed of travel.

Every vehicle has an electrical system that consists of three very important components: the battery, the starter, and the alternator. All these systems work together in a cyclical way, so an electrical problem that starts in any one of these components will affect the other parts of the system. 

Headlamp Tail Lamp Sensors Starter Motor Alternator Marker Lamp

Relay Turn Signal Lamp Bulb Steering Column Switch Battery