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Modern dünyanın, teknolojik yeniliklerinin
ve gerekliliklerinin takipçisiyiz.

Human Resources

Our human resources policy is based on 5 basic principles:

Fair approach, Participatory management and transparency, Efficiency, The continuous improvement of working conditions, Respect for human rights and the environment.

According to these 5 principles, we can summarize our HR policy with the following items:

To support our corporate aim and strategies, To apply and improve contemporary human resources system which are compatible with our values, To develop human resources policy in which all departments can work jointly, To make our human resource strategic partnership as an improvable value, To recruit the most suitable and qualified candidates at the right position by analyzing and determining scientific methods for the necessary need of human resource, To combine personal goals with corporate goals to support the development of the employees performance, To apply non- discrimination policy in the process of recruitment in terms of nationality, language, religion, gender, political view and philosophical beliefs, To possess and direct the corporate change and development, To establish an safety, healthy and peaceful working environment and to provide sustainability of this approach, To Project the social and legal rights of our employees.

Recruitment Process

Reliability, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Focus on Quality and Customer Orientation ak are among the other values ​​that complete the list.

BSG Auto Parts' values ​​and the competencies required by the job fully meet the performance of employees who will make a difference with modern methods. Talents and personality inventories and profile analyzes are carried out by the Human Resources experts based on competency-based interviews with candidates. Candidates' professional, technical and managerial situations are questioned. Candidates who are successful at these stages meet with the managers of the position they are applying to. As a result of all evaluations, candidates who are found suitable are offered the job for the relevant position.

Training and Development

Each member of BSG Auto Parts Family; We will have the most effective supportive power in realizing our goal of becoming a global brand.

To accelerate the adaptation process of our new team members. To organize educational activities in accordance with career plans in competency development. Our talent is to provide support in the personal development process of our existing employees in our pool.

Talent and Career Management

In line with strategic objectives; It is the human resources planning for identifying the needed human resource requirements, identifying potential employees with the qualifications to meet these requirements and providing the necessary development opportunities. SB Auto Parts also provides career management while guiding its employees on their career goals. As BSG Auto Parts, we continuously improve our business processes within the framework of global developments in order to evaluate and develop the talents of our employees in the most accurate and objective manner.

BSG Auto Parts

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